Integrated Liberal Studies with a Finance Major

<p>My son will be a freshman at Madison in the fall with a major in Finance. (Direct admit to the business school.) Initially he had thought to participate in a FIG, but with all of his AP credits, most FIGS will not provide him any additional credits towards his degree. He has a broad range of academic interests and although Finance will be his main focus, he would like to also explore other disciplines during his time at Madison. He is considering a second major in one of the sciences. However, we just received an email about the ILS certificate and wondered if this would be a good way to broaden his educational experience. Thanks for any feedback you can give us!</p>

<p>Very good way to get liberal arts with business. He’ll meet many very non-biz types.too. Very crunchy group. Dedicated profs.</p>

<p>Thank you! I was hoping that was the case!</p>

<p>If you have not seen this-more info</p>

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