Hey all –
I am a newbie to this website, and I could use all the help possible!
I am about to graduate with an associates degree, and I about to apply to this program called: CUNY BA for Interdisciplinary and Independent Studies. It is a program that requires 8 classes that can combine classes to create your own major. Usually, the classes are split among two or more classes: 3 classes in psychology, 1 in philosophy, and 4 in marketing to equal a degree in Consumer Behavior.
I want to do an interdisciplinary program in economics, but I could use some help choosing the the other subject to learn! I love the Liberal Arts and I am not such a fan of math. The reason I chose economics, is because I am very good with theory and seeing the bigger picture.
Basically, I want to create the killer interdisciplinary program that has economics and another subject that isn’t really math oriented. I would do all the math courses in economics that I need to, of course.
I was looking at Political Economics, but I am not sure I can get a job in the financial sector as an analyst or consultant.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
All the best,
David J