<p>Xiggi said: "From my vantage point, I always have to smile at schools that offer 20-30 AP to a group of students unable to crack 1000 on the SAT."</p>
<p>AMEN. I've been trying to tell our high school administration that we look foolish at best. Actually, I think people are laughing hysterically when they see our slick and polished brochure.</p>
<p>Our school lists on their brochure 21 AP classes. (Calc AB, BC, Eng. Lang, Eng Lit; Gov, Econ Micro, US Hist., Span/German/French/Latin 4, Chem, Bio, Physics, Comp Sci I and 2, Euro, Human Geo, Psych...and Envi Sci and Stats that have NEVER made but are always listed)</p>
<p>The average SAT is 946. The average student takes 0-1 AP exams. The average pass rate for most classes is 10% (number of students enrolled/students with 3,4,5)with the exception of the Calculus AB/BC which is about 85%. The average GPA for the top 10% of the class is over 104. Yes, you read that right. You get a 1.3 weight for AP classes and a 1.15 for Pre AP.</p>
<p>AP Econ Micro: 96 enrolled/12 exams taken/9 pass
AP Psych: at least two full sections 50+? /4 exams taken/0 pass
US History: over 300 enrolled/68 exams taken/not sure on the pass rate but I know there were only 3 "5s" this year
AP Physics: about 12 kids per year take the class, there has only been one Physics exam taken in the school's history. Same goes for the Chem.</p>
<p>oh..and our school picks up half the price of each exam, and you can lobby AP for a fee waiver.</p>
<p>This is the dilemma....you can forgo a lot of the AP "Lite" or poorly taught classes. But then your rank sinks like a brick and your "most rigorous" box cannot be checked, furthermore because 21 are offered, you better have quite a few listed or it looks funny. Or you can cram them all on your transcript, and try to self study yourself to some decent exam grades to validate your GPA. </p>
<p>Just one more game.....</p>