Interesting numbers

<p>Was at a UMich function recently and hear some interesting numbers from admission officials: </p>

<p>Roughly 29,000 applying this year --- About 5000 being admitted</p>

<p>Of the 5000 being admitted --- About 500 will be let into honors program</p>

<p>About 3000 internationals applying --- Only 300 being admitted </p>

<p>Are these figures pretty typical?</p>

<p>its more like 5000 attending… not admitted.</p>

<p>blackpen2008 is right.<br>
For the 2008 freshman class:
29,105 applications
11,953 admitted
5,710 enrolled.</p>

<p>So more likely about 5,000 students choose not to attend the university? Say if only 3,000 students choose not to attend the school leaving about 8,000 students. Would University of Michigan- Ann Arbor have enough space to support all the students?</p>

<p>they dont let in all those students at once…they moderate it with the waitlist. It’s not like they just accept 11,000 people at once and then hope that 5000 will not attend.</p>

<p>I guess that makes more sense.</p>

<p>Michigan does not resort to the waitlist most years. In five of the last 6 years, Michigan has accepted ZERO (0) students from the waitlist. Only in 2006 did Michigan accept a couple hundred students from the wait list. </p>

<p>But thanks to its rolling admissions system, and its high percentage of in-state applicants, Michigan can predict, within reason, how many students will enroll, so the wait list is generally not needed.</p>

<p>And at this stage, Michigan is receiving roughly 27,000-30,000 applicants and will admit 12,000-13,000 (40%-50%). Of those, 5,500-6,000 will enroll. </p>

<p>I never saw the international numbers but the numbers seem interesting. I do not know what to make of them, but if Michigan really receives 3,000 international applications and 300 end up enrolling (the enrollment number is correct), then it is safe to assume that Michigan admits roughly 750 of those 3,000 (25%).</p>

<p>Hattrickty9, please do not bring in incorrect information; it truly is not a very intelligent thing to do at all. Your false info (the idea of U of M merely admitting 5,000 students)almost gave me a heart attack.</p>

<p>Easy kimht, Hattrickty made an honest mistake.</p>


This is probably wrong too. Michigan usually enrolls around 250 international freshmen each year. 300 is probably the target number.</p>

<p>I’m also surprised that we only had 29,000 applicants which means there is no growth. I’d expect more.</p>

<p>If Michigan would accept the common application, like some other schools, there would be more potential students applying. Still, it will be interesting to see the total numbers this year with the economy being the way it is.</p>

<p>I agree. I hope Michigan considers using the commmon application. UVa and even Chicago adopted it this year. It makes it easier for the students and it helps to boost application.</p>

<p>Common application? How does University of Michigan- Ann Arbor differ from common application?</p>

<p>Whoops! Sorry guys, my bad. Was at the UMich scholarship dinner when the speaker tossed around some numbers. Must have been preoccupied with the ambiance of the Michigan League building!</p>