Interesting Situation For A Freshman

<p>So I am a freshman attending a Science Technology Engineering and Math magnet high school. I am the first graduating class as it is a new school, but they do not offer any ap classes. Once i graduate, I will have taken 5 years of Spanish, as well as 4 years of math (up to MV Calculus) and science with many math and science based electives. </p>

<p>I am almost an Eagle Scout who will continue to stat active in my troop. I will have done piano for 10 years. I played tennis, golf, and soccer for 4 years recreationaly because my school doesnt have sports. I will be in ASB for all 4 years, as well as the Robotics team and Math team. I estimate that I will have around 400 hours of community service while being active in my church youth group.</p>

<p>However, I have Crohn's disease and I miss alot of school. I have missed more school days than I have attended in my 2 months of high school and I'm concerned about my future. I have gotten a 4.0 all of my life, but this year because I have missed so much school I have some B's and C's. I don't think I will be able to get a 4.0 in high school but I really want to attend a top level school. I don't mean to brag but I am very bright and just for a number, lets assume I get a 34 on the ACT. I plan to write my college essay about how much I have overcome and what I have learned from my condition. My goal is to attend either Stanfor or MIT to study math or computer science.</p>

<p>Will these schools give me a break because of my condition? Under the circumstances, what GPA would I need to be competitive for either of those schools?</p>

<p>I<code>m not sure exactly how it would work, but I think they would take that into consideration, especially since Crohn</code>s is different for everyone–I have a friend who has it, and she never has to miss school or anything. Others like you, miss a lot. But the only thing that might be an issue is that a school like MIT might not want to admit a student who missed a lot of days because would that mean that you<code>d miss a lot of college classes too? Probably. And do they want someone attending who can</code>t keep up and gets poor grades? I`m just trying to be objective, and think that they might think like that.</p>

<p>Yeah, I wish you could get in, but don’t you think you’ll miss classes in college? I’m sure you fall under the ADA though, so you could take make up exams or whatever. But if you’re getting B and C in high school, where you should have the same possibility to make up tests…it’s going to be very challenging at MIT, if the situation stays like this. It might not be in your best interest, or theirs. If you do pull out a test score like that, you can get into some other good schools though.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your responses, but can anyone give me a target gpa. Anything will do…</p>