<p>So I am a freshman attending a Science Technology Engineering and Math magnet high school. I am the first graduating class as it is a new school, but they do not offer any ap classes. Once i graduate, I will have taken 5 years of Spanish, as well as 4 years of math (up to MV Calculus) and science with many math and science based electives. </p>
<p>I am almost an Eagle Scout who will continue to stat active in my troop. I will have done piano for 10 years. I played tennis, golf, and soccer for 4 years recreationaly because my school doesnt have sports. I will be in ASB for all 4 years, as well as the Robotics team and Math team. I estimate that I will have around 400 hours of community service while being active in my church youth group.</p>
<p>However, I have Crohn's disease and I miss alot of school. I have missed more school days than I have attended in my 2 months of high school and I'm concerned about my future. I have gotten a 4.0 all of my life, but this year because I have missed so much school I have some B's and C's. I don't think I will be able to get a 4.0 in high school but I really want to attend a top level school. I don't mean to brag but I am very bright and just for a number, lets assume I get a 34 on the ACT. I plan to write my college essay about how much I have overcome and what I have learned from my condition. My goal is to attend either Stanfor or MIT to study math or computer science.</p>
<p>Will these schools give me a break because of my condition? Under the circumstances, what GPA would I need to be competitive for either of those schools?</p>