internatioanl students - your views

<p>I am a PhD Education student in the UK and researching into Higher Education in UK - and its internationalisation.</p>

<p>As part of my research I am trying to understand why (may be why not) overseas students (mainly non -EU) choose UK for their higher education?</p>

<p>Increasingly large proportion of those students are studying for their UK degree programmes through private for-profot colleges and I would like to understand how they perceive value from such education?</p>

<p>I would like to here anything and everything from you guys who ahve something very interesting to say about UK higher education and international student's experience.</p>


<p>I would venture to say as to the US students studying in the UK, the major reason would be , sadly, a real lack of language skills on the part of American students. They are in UK by default. Not getting into a prestigious college in the US, but getting into a decent one in the UK would be another reason.</p>

<p>I know someone who is an American international student at Richmond, The American International University in London, which I’m not sure what that is. I’m guessing (because this would be true for me), that it is at least party because the UK is perceived as really, really awesome to many Americans. And she seems to really like it. So there you go.</p>