International and Cultural Diversity Courses?

<p>Last discussion of ICD courses appears to have taken place in 2011. Would be interested in hearing from current students of what classes they'd recommend for an Engineering Major (one who's math-minded, not literature or ethereal minded). Any you'd recommend? Any you'd suggest, "run away, don't look back!"? Particularly interested in the dual-use classes, killing two birds with one stone. Thanks!</p>

<p>THAR 281; easiest A you’ll make. </p>

<p>I visited Physics and Astronomy recently and got to chat with a cool group of current physics sophomores. They strongly recommended ENDS 101. It seems mildly interesting to me. I think another possible I-really-don’t-want-to-take-another-icky-humanities course is ENGL 251. </p>

<p>There is also one more interesting thing. Texas A&M is updating its core requirements in accordance to recent Texas legislature. Among the list of new ICD courses are intermediate language courses. For example, Howdy says that I can claim credit for SPAN 201 for my 4 on my AP spanish language, and SPAN 201 is in the new list as a recently approved ICD. So maybe if you happen to be placed in an intermediate language, you can satisfy the ICD requirement without any extra literary/humanities effort.</p>

<p>I’d personally hate to take another history like THAR 281, but I’m lurking to see what else is said here.</p>

<p>May I ask where you found the new list of ICD courses? I can’t seem to find it on the TAMU website.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt; look on page 19.</p>

<p>Ok, I already had that list, but I don’t see that it includes SPAN 201.There is a footnote about using modern languages 200 level or higher, but that is only for meeting the Humanities requirement, not the ICD requirement. Am I missing something?</p>

<p>The new courses aren’t officially published, here’s the link <a href=“”>ERROR; it will be updated later this month it says. Previously you could not use a language that you also took in HS, anyone know if that changed?</p>

<p>Ok, thanks.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The 2013/2014 spreadsheets will include the full new core. This should be the final list.</p>

<p>For the core curriculum, you would need to take either a different language or an advanced course in your HS language. However, it appears a 200 level language satisfies the new LPC requirement, so I’d theorize that AP language credit gets you LPC, foreign language, and an ICD.</p>

<p>Thanks for pointing me to these spreadsheets!</p>