International for UW-Madison! I'll Chance BACK!

Distinction in IGCSE (GPA = 3.93)
IB predicted: 41
AP 2 exams: Microeconomics = 4/5 Macroeconomics = 5/5

ACT = 30/36
SAT 2 - Physics: 710 Math II: 720
TOEFL = 113/120 (the requirement was waived)

4 year varsity Tennis
2 year varsity basketball
horse riding
photography clubs
theatre clubs
MUNs - 6 years
Movie making

Leadership positions:
Captain of the school quiz team
Student Government (House Captain)
Security council President (this year), vice president (last year), best delegate (2 years ago) - MUN
Vice captain of the varsity tennis team
President of the farewell committee
Vice president of the photography club
Was vice captain of the junior varsity basketball team & captain of the junior varsity tennis team

11 tennis championships - 7 time champion, 4 time runners up (singles and doubles)
2 All round excellence awards
2 academic excellence awards
1 computer wiz
2 basketball awards - winner and runners up
1 time long jump gold medallist

Additionally I work with 4 NGOs - 2 of my own.

Decent personal statements, I’d say. Yes, the decision is near but the wait is killing me so I’d appreciate if you gave your honest opinion (which hopefully helps me raise my hopes up). Thank you :slight_smile: I’ll chance back!

You should be in. Also your ACT is a little less but again it’s more than their average.
When I had a 31, the admissions counselor who was doing an event told me “it’s a very good score”!
So I’m guessing 30 wouldn’t hurt. Rest is impressive too.

@PCMguy the ACT is my main concern, I’d little time so I couldn’t even retake it. Does the ACT score matter too much?

Well, you know what they say about hollistic admissions, don’t you? Still there is slim chance that you shall be rejected.

I think you could definitely get in. I don’t see any flaws in your resume and if you’re an international student (right?) even better chances!

Answer mine please!


okay, I’ll bite. Chance me, I’ll chance you- why would you ask the question if you have the ability to give the answer to someone else? Just be patient, having posters tell you how great you are/are not will not change anything except give you a temporary ego boost. That is why you are being ignored.

@wis75‌ exactly, that’s what bugs me so much about so many of these posts. What’s the point of asking someone to chance you when you yourself are able to chance them

@wis75 @HopefulBadgerPlz‌ the point is people know their own profiles and thus can be biased, you might be amazing to yourself but according to someone else’s perspective you just might not fit the bill. People post these because they’re nervous. If you’ve got nothing productive to add in, I don’t think you should. Not to be offensive or anything.

which major are you applying for ? i think uour dedinetly in but with a general admission. Umight fet a direcr but it depends on which major U r apllying for. chance me back i am astro99.

It does not matter what an applicant’s intended major is, @Astro9999, so please refrain from providing inaccurate information.

@Madison85 so you mean the choice of major wouldn’t affect my chances to UW-Madison, is that it?


@Madison85 could you chance me then? You seem like you know a lot about UW-Madison. Thank you.

You will know in 3 weeks- ! In the meantime, Google and watch Zooniversity’s ‘Teach Me How to Bucky’ video.

but it does, like for UW ( washington) if u apply for mechanical its easy to get in compared to CS
becausr cs is competitive there. Please note that i am talking about a direct admit not a general admit .

You get admitted to UW (Madison) regardless of your intended school/college/major. There are not typically any direct admits to any majors. You compete for a place with all students- humanities and STEM interested students. Therefore being a superstar in only one area is not to your advantage. Once admitted you have the flexibility of changing your major. You also need to meet the requirements for your major, typically by getting good enough grades in that field. Some majors are competitive because there is high demand.

It does NOT matter what you propose to study as an undergrad to get admitted to the university. Your college record will determine your ability to graduate with any major.

really? You should be in! Your resume looks well-qualified for UW

@wis75 @FutureLuke when is UW-Madison gonna release it’s results? I’ve been waiting so long.