<p>I'm going to major in international relations, because I'm interested in things like national security, american and international history, and foreign intelligence, however I haven't been particularly interested in politics during my high school life. Is it too late to develop an interest now? And could this stop me from being more successful in the future with this major?</p>
<p>it’s not too late to develop an interest now… read newspapers? listen to political radios? </p>
<p>You should at least have some basic knowledge about it.</p>
<p>It’s kind of hard to get involved in international relations without getting involved in Politics or even economics. National Security, Foreign Intel requires knowledge of Politics. But anyways, it is not too late. It is never to late to pursue something. Be prepared to wrok hard, especially in the areas of reading and writing. Also tune in to some news such as CNN, BBC, or even yes, Al Jazeera if possible. However take everything you see on the news with a pinch of salt. Data will be skewed for rating purposes and maybe even propaganda rhetoric. But anyway, reach for the stars.</p>
<p>In HS I was never part of the debate team, I never joined Model UN, I didn’t even take AP government etc… But I still applied to be an IR major once I got to college…you are in no way limited, because most people going into college don’t even know what their ideal major/career path is going to be, so certainly don’t worry about knowing it all yet. Just make sure to get involved from the very start of college…read the New York Times every day (or the Economist, or similar publication), join an international relations/mock UN student organization, pick up an internship with a local congress-person (even if you aren’t interested in domestic politics, this will often open doors for you to go into international stuff), volunteer for an international development charity/student org. Make sure to learn a critical language in college- for intelligence, farsi, arabic or mandarin chinese is particularly helpful. Go to career events - your school will likely have presentations from the CIA, NSA, DEA etc. and hear what they have to say (If you are truly serious about getting into security stuff).</p>
<p>Thank you for the responses, you guys have given me hope!</p>