International Relations or Psychology?

<p>Which BA would be of more use to me after I graduate? I plan on attending grad school, but which field would give me better options? I'm interested in maybe becoming a school psychologist, but I'm not sure what I would/could do with an IR degree. I'm not sure if I'm interested in law school. I'm a sophomore and currently partway through my IR degree and am interested in switching to psychology, but I'll keep IR on as a minor. I could also consider double majoring but it might delay may graduation/be expensive as I would have to study abroad. </p>

<p>So, basically, which of these is a better decision:</p>

<p>IR major/Psych minor
Psych major/IR minor
Psych/IR double major (extra cost and delayed graduation)</p>

<p>I think an IR major and Psych minor sounds pretty good. But since you have a being a school psychologist in mind, then maybe Psych makes more senseā€¦ unless you focus on Psych in grad school.</p>

<p>Sorry I am not much help. I am only in my first semester and totally undecided.</p>

<p>Well, whatever you choose, its good to keep in mind that if you major in psych you HAVE to get a graduate degree. You cant get any kind of a job in the field with just a psych BA</p>

<p>If you want to have a pysch career, than it would likely be better to study psychology.</p>