International Student Certification of Finances Guidelines

<p>Hi all, I need some help with regards to this form.
1)" A bank official's signature is required... if the student is partially... supported by personal savings" - what if I am dependent on family savings, not personal? Do I have to get a official certification from the bank too? Plus, my parents have their money in at least 2 different banks in at least 2 different countries, which bank should I go to?
2)Under "parents-money available from sources other than savings" is it right if I put in the value of their wages?
3) "What are the sources and amounts of support available to you during summer?" My parents will probably transfer money to me regulary if I manage to get into a US university, but the amount would vary depending on my needs. Do I include travel and accommodation expenses?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>1) Yes. If you plan to be (partially) supported by savings, you need a bank’s signature confirming that those savings do exist. Pick whatever bank can confirm that your family has the amount of savings you claim to have. (For example, there’s no need to prove that you have $2 Million when you only need to versify $50,000.)</p>