<p>I am indeed confused! I am trying to sort out which schools to apply for but it's kind of a mess (I'm from Sweden)! I am very interested in acting and it's what I want to do, I find it rather hard to choose amongst the colleges, universities, trade schools, private schools and whatnot. Just getting a grip on all the terms surrounding colleges is hard enough!</p>
<p>I would greatly appreciate some advice as to which schools to apply for!!</p>
<p>I can't afford to go to schools like UCLA and USC with their crazy high admissions. I was close to applying to NYFA (which also is expensive, but doable), I however found alot of criticism towards them and was sligthly discouraged.</p>
<p>I read something about SUNY and NYU Tish?? Santa Barbara City College has been advertised some here in Sweden as well, not sure whether or not they are schools to aim for.</p>
<p>I'm just having a crazy hard time finding out which schools are good and accredited when it comes to acting...</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Unfortunately, most of the good schools will cost about the same as UCLA or USC – that’s because there is very little financial aid for international students.</p>
<p>Thanks for the answer!</p>
<p>I will probably have to take a student loan anyway, but 45 000 for a year is a bit too much for me, 30 000 might be doable but that would have to be everything included with living expenses and so on.</p>
<p>What about community colleges? They arent as expensive afaik?</p>
<p>Community colleges will be cheaper, certainly. They are 2-year schools, after which you can transfer to a 4 year college/university to finish your degree.</p>
<p>But I would question whether the expense is worth it for someone who can study acting in Europe, at better schools, and for a lot less money.</p>
<p>Hmm, you might be right. I’ve just thought that studying in LA or NYC would be strategicly smart. Seeing that is where you find a big part of the business, but maybe it smarter to aim for the best education world wide first and then take the leap to the US.</p>
<p>You don’t happend to know any good schools in maybe London or something then?</p>
<p>Thanks alot!</p>
<p>Studying in England would be strategically just as smart. Unfortunately I’m not familiar enough with their drama programs to advise you, but I’m sure google can
<p>Another thing you could consider is doing a summer theater/film program in the US. There are some good ones. </p>
<p>[Home</a> - Powerhouse Theater - Vassar College](<a href=“http://powerhouse.vassar.edu/]Home”>http://powerhouse.vassar.edu/)
[NYU</a> Summer Study in Music Theatre - Programs - Music Theatre - NYU Steinhardt](<a href=“http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/theatre/programs/summer]NYU”>http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/theatre/programs/summer)
[Drama</a> | summer.yale.edu](<a href=“http://summer.yale.edu/find-your-program/drama]Drama”>http://summer.yale.edu/find-your-program/drama)
[Summer</a> Sessions Theater Courses | UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television](<a href=“http://www.tft.ucla.edu/programs/summer-sessions-theater/]Summer”>http://www.tft.ucla.edu/programs/summer-sessions-theater/)
[Summer</a> Program Overview - USC School of Cinematic Arts](<a href=“http://cinema.usc.edu/summer/index.cfm]Summer”>USC Cinematic Arts | Summer Program Overview)</p>
<p>How about SUNY Purchase?</p>
<p>[Purchase</a> College, State University of New York - Think Wide Open](<a href=“http://www.purchase.edu/]Purchase”>http://www.purchase.edu/)</p>
<p>[The</a> Performing Arts Center](<a href=“http://www.artscenter.org/]The”>http://www.artscenter.org/)</p>
<p>yeah, thats one of the schools I’ve been thinking about. I assume its a good one? Where would you place it amongst the fine arts schools in the US? Im guessing its far from UCLA, USC and Juilliard, but still a great school?</p>
<p>How hard/easy is it to get into SUNY btw? I scored like 1320 on the SAT, that was 4 years ago though. I doubt thats even close to being good enough, compared to US student. Does international students compete with the us students on the same level, or is there some special quota for international students perhaps? Cluesless as to how it works…</p>
<p>If you haven’t already done so, read trough everything at [EducationUSA</a> | Study Abroad, Student Visa, University Fairs, College Applications and Study in the U.S. / America](<a href=“http://www.educationusa.info/]EducationUSA”>http://www.educationusa.info/) That will give you a clearer understanding of the higher education options in the US. Then you should make an appointment with the counselors at the advising center closest to you. There are two in Sweden: [EducationUSA</a> - Find an Advising Center](<a href=“http://www.educationusa.info/Sweden#.TzVbBk4gchs]EducationUSA”>http://www.educationusa.info/Sweden#.TzVbBk4gchs) These counselors are expert at helping students from your country find good places to study in the US. </p>
<p>For information and recommendations about specific institutions, look through the forums for the major that you are interested in: [College</a> Majors - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-majors/]College”>College Majors - College Confidential Forums)</p>