<p>Non-religious but not a place where religious people feel excluded - Princeton’s a fit</p>
<p>Chilled out about gay people but not obsessed with “queer” events and “queer” societies - Princeton’s a fit</p>
<p>Prestigious and academically challenging - Princeton’s a fit</p>
<p>Mainly strong in humanities but reputable for sciences too - Equally strong in humanities and sciences</p>
<p>Somewhere where students are well cultured about the rest of the world, interested in foreign foods, films, art - Yes, but the location doesn’t offer the advantages of an urban setting in the way that Harvard or Columbia do, so the option to explore worldly culture is relatively limited. NYC is only an hour away by train, but students mainly live within the Princeton “bubble”.</p>
<p>Somewhere where students are not nationalistic - In my opinion, Princeton students understand the US’s place in the world and aren’t particularly nationalistic. I expect the same is true at all the colleges you’re considering.</p>
<p>Somewhere where political beliefs of all variations can co-exist (but liberal ones prevail) - **Princeton’s a fit **</p>
<p>A place where students are genuine, not cheesy or overly energetic, but pleasant and contented - Generally true at Princeton, but there’s a limit to how content you can be with a rigorous workload.</p>
<p>A place where people are witty, humorous, perhaps sometimes discreetly sarcastic (not dramatically so) but still friendly - Princeton’s a fit</p>
<p>An open, accepting, welcoming place that has no cliques or pathetic attitudes - **Open, accepting, and welcoming? Yes. No cliques? It’s a fact of human interaction that people form groups based on shared values. Cliques exist everywhere, including Princeton. That said, my son spent 4 years at Princeton and it was never an issue for him. **</p>
<p>Somewhere where students are treated like full adults…one thing that would drive me insane is being treated like a child, or a “college kid.” - This is definitely one of the most important factors! - Princeton’s a fit</p>