I’m an international student, im graduating high school next year. My parents cant pay me a full 4 year education at a good university, which why im looking for community colleges so then I can transfer after 2 years. Not saying community colleges are bad but there’s obviously a decent quality gap between both. But I’ve also heard a lot of good experiences from other international students that transferred after two years.
Now, my question is, what are some good community colleges? that are in cities what are not too costy to live in and also have good transfer options near them but again, not too costy. Thanks for all the help guys
ps: how’s my english? I’m from a spanish speaking country.
What can your parents afford and what are your stats? It might not make sense to just look at CCs because you still have living expenses.
I have near perfect grades, not sure how can I get my GPA and stuff like that but yeah. Also my parents can pay like 10k a year for a community college (tuition, living expenses, other) and then that will increase a lot when I transfer.
I don’t think this is the correct approach. Living expenses alone will cost that. You need SAT or ACT scores and TOEFL. Then you could try for an inexpensive four year plan.
I got a 1850 on the SAT and 105 on the TOEFL. We’ve looked through a lot of “cheap” universities (minot state, dickinson state, others) and havent really found anything that we extremely like.
Really like international business since I’ve got 3 languages and always liked sales, though as I said, I still have a year ish until I graduate high school.
You need to take your SATs again and prepare really well. The math and reading parts are the most important.
You kidding? for what I’ve read 1850 is good enough to get into a decent university…
@buckeyefan912 I wasn’t kidding. You can receive merit scholarships with a higher SAT score. Your score is fine for state schools.
An 1850 is good enough to get into many decent universities. Unfortunately, they all cost more than $10k/year. A higher SAT could qualify you for merit aid.
gearmom is spot on. If you managed 1850 yout first time around, you could conceivably score over 2000. That opens up a world of opportunities. What kind of school do you attend (American? IB? British?). How are your grades? How about your extracurricular activities. There are many LACs and other good universities that could give you generous merit scholarships and need-based FA, especially if you come from a “strategic country”, like an African or Latin American country.
Naturally, keep the Community College option open, but explore other opportunities as well.