International Student Questions...

<p>I'm an Italian citizen living in Spain and I'm currently in the process of finishing my Law degree here in Barcelona. I'd like to start a Journalism Grad School once I graduate in Law and, obviously, I'd like to do it in the US.</p>

<p>My question is, what schools would you suggest me considering the following:
-I'm an international student so I'd like to go to a rather big city, where I could fit it more easily. It doesn't have to be LA or NY but I don't wanna live in a small city where there's nothing to do.
-I have Columbia and Berkeley as my top priorities since I love New York and San Francisco.
-Also, being international, I need a school that doesn't have qualms about accepting international students.</p>

<p>One last thing, do you think making a summer course the following summer could be helpful to get an idea if I can sustain courses in english (my english is pretty good, but I want to be sure)? </p>

<p>Thanks for the attention!</p>