Internship at DC think tanks

<p>Is it better to work for a non-partisan think tank like CSIS or to work for places like CATO (libertarian) and Center for American Progress. I am a recent grad (09) and have an internship option at all three of those places for their foreign policy teams. I feel my ideology is not specifically aligned with either one of them i.e. I am not a strong democrat or a strong libertarian and perhaps my views are a little un-formed at this stage or may even change. Nevertheless, I am applying for PhD programs in political science this fall and am wondering how any of these institute will look on my resume. Will working at cato or cap 'tarnish' my reputation? what if I'm working with a very reputable and well-respected scholar? any advice is welcome!</p>

<p>also, cato and cap are paying me $1000 a month, csis only $500 :(</p>

<p>You could as well get a job with the KKK LMAO</p>

<p>Put your foot where you held your values and your ideologies if you want to be honest with yourself and look at your silly face in the miror without any shame.</p>


<p>If you care about the money and the experience, just go wherever you can. At the end of the day all the activists and politicians will eat on the same table behind close doors. So if you decide to work for one and not for the other one, you have nothing to loose because they are all the same who conspire together behind the nation’s back then fake some ugly cat fights when everyone is watching them.</p>

<p>Just curious, why would working at CATO or CAP “tarnish” your reputation for PhD programs?</p>