Internships for first years?

<p>Hey I was wondering if it was hard to get an internship if you're just a freshman. also, what's the best way of doing this... is it worth going to the career fair if you're only a freshman? How do I make a resume if I've only completed a semester? Thanks!</p>

<p>I'd say the best way is probably through connections. I know it sounds a little bad. You could, of course go to career fair and such, but most of my friends who did internships during the summer got them through people that they or their family are acquainted with. I myself, did an internship at my dad's lab.</p>

<p>You can attend the Career Fair, but it really is tailored for juniors, and a FEW companies have opportunities for sophomores, who also complain about the lack of opportunities. </p>

<p>As a freshmen, I only ended up getting an internship because of my parents.</p>

<p>what kind of internship are you looking for?</p>