<p>I got invited to interview with an Olin rep who is visiting my region. I'm only a rising junior; I thought college interviews don't start until senior year. What is the purpose of this interview? For me to learn about Olin or Olin to learn about me?</p>
<p>This is just an informational session–it’s really for you to find out about Olin. Even if you were a senior and had actually submitted your application, Olin has no evaluative interviews during the first part of the application process (even if you visit campus and/or do an overnight). You submit the Common App and supplements, and then students are either denied or invited to one of 3 “Candidates Weekends”. During those weekends, students are interviewed and take part in various activities, both evaluated and non-evaluated. Then, students are denied :(, deferred or accepted
. There is even more to know about Olin’s unique application process…make sure you find out all about it and the school during your information session. Have fun–we’re here to answer anything you think of afterwards!</p>
<p>You should go if you can. It will help you start thinking about college. </p>
<p>If you like Olin, great. If it’s not your cup of tea, you may be able to recommend it to other classmates.</p>