<p>hey there. I knoow that intramural sports are not so popular among NYU students, but I see NYU has indoor soccer as one of their intramural sports. how can I participate or form a team?</p>
<p>according to the princeton review rankings NYU ranked with the least people participating in intramural sports... Im planning to play tennis so hopefully it works in my favor of courts being always available.. </p>
<p>In answer to your question, you could sign up on the NYU website <a href="http://www.nyu.edu/athletics/intramurals/signup.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.nyu.edu/athletics/intramurals/signup.html</a> You can register as a 'free agent' or if you have enough people you can register a team. Btw i'll play intramural soccer on your team next year.</p>
<p>thanks for the info. we only need about 8 players (5 on field) for an indoor soccer team, so it shouldn't be too hard.</p>
<p>come on, who doesn't love soccer?! its the world cup year.</p>
<p>I was wondering this same thing. after 13 years of being on soccer teams, i don't know what I'll do if i can't play next year.</p>
<p>I wanna play! I haven't played in a long time but I swear I'll catch up, the World Cup has reminded me of how much I love the sport. I play tennis too, and if you've seen pictures of Cole's you know that tennis is played on a rooftop!</p>
<p>it is indeed the world cup year..</p>
<p>except the fact that korea got crushed :(</p>