Intro to Economics: Lecture vs. Seminar

<p>i'm seriously considering majoring in history and international studies. as a result, for IR prerequisites, I need to take a course in macro and micro. however, having taking AP Econ in high school, I found economics to be a very difficult subject for me. as a result i'm a bit worried that intro to econ will be just as difficult at yale. in regards to econ 110 vs econ 115 how would you rate your experiences? i know that the seminar would be more beneficial in regards to professor interaction and thus better learning but i also heard that the seminars are mainly consisted of ppl who have learned econ previously and thus more competitive w/steeper curve. in my situtation would it be wiser to just suck it up and take 110 or take 115?</p>

<p>First, Seminars are for Econ majors generally -- and for those who already have 110 or 115 under their belt. I don't think taking an Econ seminar will fulfill your micro/macro requirements. One thing though, i found intro Micro to be pretty tedious and if not for my previous Econ proficiency, I'd had a hard time. You might not have an option but to take the intro courses. Good luck however. Just be sure you get in a section where you feel comfortable -- use Shopping Period to your advantage.</p>

<p>when i mean seminar i mean econ 110...while the lecture class is econ 115. so basically i'm choosing b/w 110 or 115. sorry for the confusion. but yea, i figured i'll just use shopping period to it's max :D thanks anyway.</p>

<p>My understanding is that most students really, really hate the lecture. In course evaluations, over half of students rate it poor or below average (well over half in some terms) and the remainder rate it good (meaning average in course-rating speak: the choices are excellent, very good, good, below average, poor).
The seminar is generally better liked, based on what I've heard anecdotally, and it's course evaluations reflect this (very good is the mode).</p>

<p>Oops sorry. I took micro in a small seminar: it met at a weird time so there were only seven students. i got a lot out of that class. My macro lecture was burdensome -- frankly the lecturer wasn't very good.</p>

<p>thank you so much :) i'll probably end up doing the seminar.</p>