<p>My girlfriend is currently looking at going to Penn State as a grad student, and she's not sure if she'll need to have a car while living out there. She's currently in California and there's no way her current car would be able to make it out there, so she'd have to buy a new (probably used) one. She'll be living off of a stipend around $24k a year, to give an idea of how much money she'll have to be working with.</p>
<p>Being a Pennsylvania native I know how difficult it is to get to/from State College without a car, but I figure I might be able to hook her up with a ride from someone in my family either from Pittsburgh or Philly just to get her out there.</p>
<p>Also, any input on graduate housing or where to look for housing for grad students would be appreciated. I did my schooling out in Pittsburgh, so all my knowledge in that sort of stuff is pretty much useless for her problems. :(</p>