Is a 'D' a deal breaker?

<p>DD got a 'd' in Spanish III last year. She has a 4.0 w and a 1360 SAT with lots of ECs..VP of student council, Pres of NHS, Varisty letter 3 yrs, Toyota Community nominee... in a class of 500+. Will admissions see the d and throw her app in the reject pile? She has 2 C's in AP classes and A's in B's in everything else?</p>

<p>No it won't disqualify her. As long as the 1360 is out of 1600 I think she'll be alright.</p>

<p>Yep, it's out of 1600. 2020 out of 2400. But the admin rep at the onsite visit was pretty clear that they were looking for kids who made a's and b's and my DD came away pretty discouraged. She felt like it may be a deal breaker for VT? Do you know anyone at the school who made a D in high school?</p>

<p>Yeah. Me. I had good stats otherwise (a little better than your daughter but with fewer honors and I'm a guy) but I did have a D on my transcript, in a non-honors class. And I got into engineering. Admissions have a LOT of applications to look over. I doubt they'll care much about the D when they see the 4.0. I'd say a 4.0 represents at least a healthy mix of As and Bs.</p>

<p>Thank you. Your 'd' will make my daughters day. :) She asked the admission rep about the 'd' when she visited and the rep said "VT likes a's and b's but I won't tell you you shouldn't even apply." Not very encouraging. The rest of the visit my daughter was pretty discouraged as she liked the school but didn't think she'd get in. So you have given her hope!</p>

<p>She'll be fine. Half my transcript was C's and I got into honors...</p>