Is anyone else worried?

<p>Both of my parents lost their jobs, probably because of today's economy. I am currently plagued with doubts about whether I will be able to pay for next semester. I requested an appeal for my financial aid award, but results for that will not come out until right before the spring semester bill is due. Getting loans right now is tough. Parents aren't likely to find new, decent-paying jobs, not only because of the terrible markets but also because they never went to college. We may have enough trouble just feeding ourselves. Is anyone else worried about being able to go back to school next semester?</p>

<p>ive had some worries. there’s one scholarship i need to help pay for school the second semester. i get that through my mom’s union. she’s currently going through a job change though in the same place so she may or may not lose union privileges for a little bit which will mean that I get no health insurance and possibly no scholarship. that would result in me having to keep all 3 jobs just to help pay for the second semester. and i’ve been taking 6 classes and working close to 40 hrs a week between these jobs. it’s been overkill and i wanted to at least cut one of those jobs by next semester so i could focus more on classes. but i’m taking it one step at a time. maybe she won’t lose her union privileges. she’ll find out next week.</p>

<p>I’m not too worried, I pay in loans completely, and if something were to happen with my parents income I’d be able to get loans under my name (granted they wouldn’t be the great state loans I have now, but they’d pay for school all the same) with my credit score being high. It would be a pain due to high interest because of the risk due to my lower income too. Yeah, best not to imagine all that.</p>