Is anyone previous Toyota Community Scholarhip winners? or know someone who has won?

<p>i looked up more info about it and from what I've seen, previous winners did some amazing community service projects (raising 100k for sick children, founded famous service groups, etc)...</p>

<p>These students of course won the grand price of 20k, but there are 10k awards also.</p>

<p>If you or someone you know has won the 10k, what kind of community work did you/they do?</p>

<p>I mean, the community service I've done is no where near the grand prize winners.</p>

<p>i’m applying too… would like to know as well. /: </p>

<p>i’ve done plenty of concentrated community service, but yeah, would have no shot at it if that’s all i’m up against.</p>


<p>I know someone who won. She did a ridiculous amount of community projects. To be honest, she had an awful lot of help from her mom. But she planned a project that honored servicemen & has become an annual event. It was a big deal. That led to work with various groups that reach out to service people. She also participated in just about every community service project that was available through her school. She was president of the service club (her mom started it & was the advisor). Her list of accomplishments was very extensive.</p>

<p>How did you guys get the application? I couldn’t find it online…</p>

<p>through our schools, dante09.</p>

<p>yeah i ditto dante09</p>