Is being a full pay International a "hook"

<p>I go to school in the US. So most adcoms that I've talked to have told me that I'm simply put in the same pool as the rest of the American students. I was wondering if by extension, me being international, from a underrepresented country is therefore a hook.</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Are you a citizen or a documented US resident (Green Card holder)? If so, you are treated as an American for admissions and financial aid purposes. This does not suggest, however, that your “international” experiences might not be a suitable and advantageous subject for an admissions essay.</p>


<p>It depends on the school. Some private ivies are really need blind. But other big schools like the UC’s admit they admit a lot of internationals because they are full pay.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call it a huge hook, unless it is a country a school is particularly eager to have represented. It would be a plus factor to be from such a country. Being full pay just puts you more on the level playing field. Internationals who are not full pay are at a disadvantage at a lot of school that are need aware for them. </p>

<p>IMO it is not a hook – a hook is something like being a recruited athlete, a legacy or another reason a school would particularly want a person as a student in the school. You will not be the only international student who is willing and able to pay full price for college. However, it eliminates one hurtle that international students who require a great deal of aid would have. </p>

<p>Unless you’re URM, no for the top schools.</p>

<p>For the top schools, no (unless you are URM). Outside the top tier, it might be. For many state schools who rely on OOS full-pays for funding these days, maybe. For the schools that are having trouble filling all their slots (which includes some surprisingly reputable LACs these days), I would say yes, definitely.</p>

<p>Guess I’m going to Berkeley or UCLA then! @‌ Thanks for the advice. No state schools for me :)</p>

<p>Lmao I just realized that this was an oxymoron hahahahaha^^^^^ </p>

<p>Wow… I meant contradiction… guess I don’t deserve to go to college at all. Thanks for the input though!</p>

<p>You’ll beconsidered along with American applicants for admission qualification; for financial aid, being full pay means that if you’re in, there’s no further “culling” among admitted applicants - if admitted, you’re in. (If you were international with need, once it’d been established the university wanted you, they’d look at students who need and decide which, among them, would be most deserving of their investing tens of thousands of dollars. It’s the worst anti-hook there is.)</p>

<p>International students are not counted under the URM aegis</p>