Is bradley a good fit for me?

<p>I have a 4.2 GPA out of a 5.0 scale (weighted)
- I have a 29 on my ACT score
- I'm REALLY involved in my school. I'm part of 8 clubs, not including Track and Field (JV... not a good runner.. regardless)
I'm also on two executive boards, one the National Honor Society
- I'm going to study science... most likely Biology, and go pre-med
- I'm the type of person who studies hard. I do my work, BUT I do like to relax/have fun/go out with friends after I'm done with a hard week. I don't plan on going crazy in college because I'm not into the whole crazy party scene. I know people say that all the time, but I'm not the kind of person to party hard. I'd rather go to a party for a little, then hang out with my close friends after and chill with them.
- I hate being competitive. I do better when other people don't ask me what my ACT, test score, lap-time, etc. are. I don't like that attitude towards life. However, a little competition wouldn't hurt. I know all schools are competitive, but I need a school that doesn't shove competition down my throat.
- I am not preppy and don't care about what brands people are wearing or where their from. I don't want to look beautiful all the time. Some people are obsessed with being perfect: perfect body, perfect image, perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. I don't care. I dont want to be around other people like that. I want to be myself and I want to surround myself with people who are confident in who they are. I do care about image in terms of being respectable though. Again, I know that no matter where I go, there are going to be people like that everywhere, but if there's a school that has a little less of that, I would go there for sure.</p>

<p>so that being said... is Bradley a good fit for me? </p>