Is carroll harder to get into than CAS?

<p>hey guys, i’m debating whether or not i should apply to carroll or CAS.</p>

top 4%
2160 SATs
hardest courses available in high school all four years</p>

<p>senior yr classes:
AP calc BC
AP lit
AP bio
AP french 5
AP psych</p>

officers for: key club, math league, newspaper, consumer bowl
other clubs/organizations: NHS, FBLA, teen pep (17 chosen seniors who educate about teenage sexual health)</p>

<p>community service: 300+ hours</p>

<p>rec letters: should be good to great. i can’t read them but all of the teachers and my GC like me.</p>

<p>work experience: telemarketing, chinese instructor, Prudential Financial assistant</p>

<p>would like to send Arts Supplement…very “unique”…Chinese instrument</p>

<p>extra rec letter from college professor who publishes books, some of which are musts for certain majors in college.</p>

<p>i like BC a lot…LOL</p>

<p>is Carroll significantly harder to get into than CAS? what kind of stats in comparison? </p>

<p>thanks in advance guys!!</p>

<p>c’mon guys!!! i just need some advice here…any input would be appreciated!</p>

<p>If your intent is to study business, then you should apply to CSOM. Internal transfers between schools cannot be made for at least one year. So if you applied to A&S just because you think it would be easier to get admitted, you would have to stay in A&S as a freshman and could not transfer to CSOM until sophomore year. </p>

<p>If you are leaning towards a business major but aren’t really sure, then you should consider applying to CSOM and trying it out. You can always transfer to A&S later. </p>

<p>If you are truly undecided for your major, say so and apply to A&S.</p>

<p>carroll is probably the most distinguished of BC…i don’t know what majors are well respected in CAS though…of course all of 'em pretty much are b/c it’s boston college. but…</p>

<p>anyway, how are my chances (this is my first chances thread on CC i think) at carroll if i don’t really have any biz related EC’s except the work experiences?..</p>

<p>anyone else, please?</p>

<p>Presumably, if you get into CAS, an internal transfer wouldn’t be that difficult so long as you take all core classes Freshman year and do very well in them.</p>

<p>…and by core, I mean university core (writing, natural sciences, cultural diversity, yada yada…)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>i’m just kinda worried that w/o biz-oriented ECs, carroll would be more difficult.</p>

<p>If CSOM is indeed “harder to get into” than Arts & Sciences doesn’t that say something about where BC’s emphasis lies? This is a university for God’s sake not a vocational training ground for business managers!</p>

<p>Does education of the whole person comes in second to what amounts to job training?!</p>

<p>In my day – and, by the way, I am SOM '74 (before it was Carroll) – it was clearly the other way around, in that Arts & Sciences reigned supreme over all the other schools at BC. Though I had to put up with 2nd-class citizenship there, I did acknowledge that the pecking order was really as it should have been.</p>

<p>There are numerous instances in recent years where alma mater has made it obvious that it is very cozy with the business world and all its charms (to the extent of being crass) …but that would take too long to list.</p>

<p>I am one dismayed alumnus.</p>

<p>thanks for the input guys!^^^</p>

<p>anyone else wanna share a comment or two?</p>