Hi all,
So I talked to my guidance counselor today about taking AP Physics 1 next year through Virtual High School (online course). He advised me not to take it due to the apparent fact that many colleges won’t accept credit for the class, no matter what I got on the AP exam. Therefore, I’m skeptical about taking it next year.
I tried searching for credit policies on CB’s website, but its outdated, and still includes AP Physics B credit information.
Has anyone found this to be true, and if so, why?
Thanks in advance 
I have not researched it in depth, but the schools I did look at all gave credit. Google “School name” “AP Chart.”
Physics 1 is a new test this year. The colleges I have asked update their information once a year and have not quite caught up yet. If you are thinking of applying Ivy or you already see that the schools you are planning to attend do not accept credit then maybe your counselor is right. What would you take instead- go straight to Physics B or do AP Bio or Chem?
@gettingschooled I’m definitely not aining for ivies, and I am already taking AP Bio this year.