<p>I’m getting: “Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again.
The user name or password provided is incorrect.” Even though both of them are clearly correct…</p>
<p>If you feel that you have reached this page in error, please contact technical support and provide the following information:
User ID
A detailed description of the problem you experienced and the steps you performed in the system to generate the error
Which browser and operating system you are using (i.e. Firefox on Windows XP or Safari on Mac OSX)
<p>omg THANK GOD it’s not just me. i know that i’m entering my damn username and password correctly, but it still says, “username and password incorrect.” goddamn common app. i swear if they do this around the november 15 deadline i’m gonna flip s h i t</p>
<p>Can’t log in either, glad it’s not just me. Tried sending a password reset but haven’t gotten the email yet either. But now I know the password isn’t the problem…</p>
<p>Obviously, you guys are hitting the rush hour when the west coast student woke up before going to school. Or their parents are submitting/editing the CommonApp for them. Work with the advantage of your own time zone. Too bad if you live in the middle of the country that you cannot really avoid the crowd. Do not change your login password for that reason unless you are sure it was the problem you could not login.</p>