is cornell a really rural location?

<p>see title. i have heard various accounts, from cornell being in the middle of nowhere to cornell being a part of a suburban community. would you consider cornell's environment as rural/ pastoral?</p>

<p>It depends on where you’re coming from. My friend who’s from Virginia thought it was a really happening place. I’m from the suburbs, and I thought it was a similar feel, but perhaps with more things to do because of so many students. And people from NYC thinks it’s the sticks. </p>

<p>But I would say that it’s somewhere between a city and a suburb.</p>

<p>depends if you leave campus headed east or headed west.</p>

<p>cornell is definitely difficult to access…in terms of transportation…</p>

<p>well more expensive to fly into directly…</p>

<p>it’s reasonable if you’re from the tri-state area…</p>

<p>The area surrounding Ithaca is rural…but Ithaca itself has a suburban feel. I was going over my little sister’s SAT report the other day and the College Board describes Cornell as a rural campus in a large town…large town, yes. Rural campus…not so much…unless you’re out on East Hill. </p>

<p>I lived in rural Upstate NY for a very long time…so for me, Ithaca didn’t feel like the sticks at all.</p>

<p>I like Cornell particularly for its suburban/rural feeling. I grew up in villages in Asia, so when I visited Ithaca I just loved it.</p>

<p>I grew up in a suburban neighborhood and when I visited it felt about the same, which I like. :)</p>

<p>I would say Rural.</p>

<p>being on cornell’s campus, you loose sight to the fact that ithaca is “rural”. there is ALWAYS something going on, whether on campus, collegetown, or the commons. it is really hard to be bored at cornell.</p>

<p>If you take Route 79 to Cornell…compare the town of Greene to the city of Ithaca…Ithaca is not rural.</p>

<p>according to my ILRIC 235 professor…Ithaca area is soon to reach the 100k mark and is the best economy in upstate new york…</p>

<p>Even better…AMCAS (the medical school application service) designates on your primary application if counties are R (rural), U (medically underserved) or both. Tompkins county is designated U, but not R. </p>

<p>So there!!! :-P</p>