Is GPA a really big factor for VT admissions?

im feeling pretty down right now. The story is, i messed up big time freshman year, i got all C’s and one B because I thought I could handle 2 sports, all honors, not to mention some grief from the passing of a family member the year before I never sought counseling for…anyway, not to make this a sob story, I do have an upwards trend and have been getting straight A’s this year taking all honors and ib psych, ap us history, and have a c+ in ib math hl…i did the math and all and at best ill only have around a 3.56 weighted and my sat score is a 1360 (new one) which converts to around a 2070…I looked up general admissions for vt and saw it was a 3.95 on average. I am an eagle scout, have played my share of sports and do volunteer at a family shelter everyweek but I dont know if I even have a chance. ive gone to all these college prospect websites and filled in my basic info (gpa, test scores, sat) and saw even jmu was a reach for me…im really bummed out because I know im a lot better than this. its just only 1 year of messing up is screwing me over big time. A lot of people have told me vt heavily goes by the book on academics.

You are a junior now? My son is going in the fall. He does have great grades. I have heard/observed that a student can get better consideration if they apply ED and if you apply to the Corps of Cadets. You have to decide if that appeals to you. You should definitely write in your application essays about how you live the VA Tech motto “Ut Prosim” in your every day life as a Scout and volunteer. Also cultivate a couple of teachers and Scout leader or employer who will write you good recommendations next fall. Do all the optional essays. I don’t think the questions change all that much so you can start thinking about them this summer. Some majors are harder to gain acceptance to. Engineering seems to require top grades. You can use this tool to figure out which major is easiest to get in to:

Select “College Summary” and choose a college. I noodled a little and the average GPA admitted to Forestry in the School of Natural Resources is 3.68 and the 25th percentile has a 3.33 GPA. So seriously consider your major. Good luck!