Is Harvard fun?

<p>I'm so thrilled to be accepted to Harvard. It's what I've worked so hard for. But I've recently been accepted to another top university and attended their pre-frosh weekend. I had such a great time. I was wondering if Harvard students can say they really had fun in college.</p>

<p>I know I did... lots of extracurricular activities, made great friends, explored Boston... Harvard students tend to be competitive about academics (mostly self-imposed) and so are stressed a lot... but there are plenty of outlets to have fun, party, and blow off steam.</p>

<p>Harvard is lots of fun - I had a great time. So is Yale, in a different way. </p>

<p>In fact, most colleges can be fun. My students at MIT have a fun time too.</p>

<p>I had a fabulous time in college. If you enjoy meeting amazing people from all around the world, constantly hearing and seeing new things, working together with your best friends to complete something you love and then getting dressed up to celebrate...Harvard will be the most fun you could ever have.</p>

<p>Oh it's plenty fun. My daughter is at H, and sometimes I wish she were having a little less fun.</p>