Is it a good practice to take a post-grad gap year to prepare for a med school?

You can read through a couple of these to get an idea of what med schools are looking for. I’ve included the last two years plus the one from my guy’s year. You can google to get others, though a quick read of a couple shows you it’s a template - they look for the same thing year after year. That’s what makes it helpful for future students.

My favorite advice is to, “Be someone your future med school could write about.”


One more question…are you talking about your own child or children…or someone else’s children?

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It all depends on why they take the gap year and what they do with it. I can’t be more specific since the OP is so general.

Why isn’t your daughter asking the questions here? Or does she even have a choice? (Doesn’t seem to matter what I write in this post because you’re not going to respond.) My daughter attended her medical program with some med school classmates who didn’t want to be there and we’re being pushed by their parents.

These students were unhappy, depressed, stressed and scared of performing poorly because their parents made them feel obligated or shamed. Their mental health was shot. These robots do not make good physicians.

My advice would be to have your daughter post her own questions. I don’t think that by just shadowing and taking the MCAT that she’s going to get into any medical school program.

Did you ask her about the premed advising office and their information? How many times has she visited that office?

If she had been really serious about going into med school she would’ve been in that office on a weekly basis; it’s not just “OK drop in give me a list”. That’s not how it works.

That office helps students plan out a schedule of events, that should occur, prior to application for med school. They helped with mock interviews. At my daughter’s undergraduate school they helped with referrals to local clinical volunteer positions in lower social economic areas. They helped with job openings at labs. They created a file template (spreadsheet) for her to record all of her patient contact hours.

Where is her lab experience? Her volunteer hours in patient care? Her LOR’s from clinical supervisors? Her fluency experiences, in a second language, desired by area hospitals (Spanish, Spanish, and Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, ASL, Russian languages)?

I agree with @skieurope, You ask questions, and then, if you’re not happy with the answers, you don’t give further information or abandon the thread and create another thread.

Cracking that whip doesn’t bode well for your child, nor this website.