Is it easier to get in as a transfer or as a freshman applicant??

<p>This is coming from someone(international student) who has the option of either staying for an extra year of school to do A-levels or going to some unknown college overseas the mcgill admission officers have probably never heard of then transferring.
soo transfer or year 13??
Any thoughts anyone??
oh and btw, even if my grades are high in college, would it still not be in my favor that i go to an unknowen college when it comes to the college desicions??
Thank you for helping :-)</p>

<p>Transfers from a california community college have it a lot easier than an applicant coming straight from a high school.</p>

<p>Transferring from a non-California community college will probably not help you out over a high school applicant. However, California community college transfer admit rate is singificantly higher than for high school applicants.</p>