Is it hard to change your major at University of Arizona?

<p>I’m considering going there over University of Oregon, but University of Oregon makes it really simple for you to change your major as long as you’re not too far into undergrad.

<p>It really depends what you are changing it to. If you changing from History to English it’s not a problem, but it may be harder to change to a major in the Business school or Engineering.</p>

<p>If I’m a business major and wanted to change to maybe biology or psychology, would I have a problem?</p>

<p>I would strongly suggest contact the UA with these questions. Changing your major won’t be the issue… It’s the classes you’ll be behind on and the pre-reqs that you’ll have to take, which may put your graduation date further off than you had hoped.</p>

<p>My apologies, I forgot to add… going from Business to Psych will probably be easier than going from Business to Biology.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! :)</p>