<p>I have a History class where the professor (I think it might be his first time teaching although he is kind of old) has been saying that participation in class discussion counts around 30% towards the final grade. While I have shown up to every class and taken notes, I haven't spoken at all. We have had 3 papers so far and I received A's on all of them. </p>
<p>I was just wondering if it would be out of line to email the professor and ask him to ignore the participation component. I have a 4.0 GPA and really would not like to see it ruined because of this. Can I mention my GPA in the email or would that make it seem like I was trying to influence his grading (especially since we have a final paper to hand in next week)?</p>
<p>I don't see why he would make an exception for you. It might be too late now, but you probably should have spoken up during class just for the sake of the participation grade.</p>
<p>Yes, it would be out of line to email the professor and ask him to ignore the participation component. If your instructor has been up front about participation being 30% of your grade, then your choice not to participate should haver a deleterious affect on your grade. You knew the rules, you chose to ignore them, and it would be unethical for a professor to make an exception for you just so you can protect your GPA. If you cared that much about your 4.0 you would have participated in class.</p>
<p>Yes, it is inappropriate. Part of a history class is discussion - can you hold your own? Can you marshall your facts to support a position? Are you thinking about what you're hearing, or are you just "taking notes"?</p>
<p>You knew going in that participation was a requirement. You didn't participate. It's no different than not handing in a paper or a quiz. You didn't fulfill a class requirement.</p>
<p>Not to sound like a broken record, but yes, it would be very inappropriate and yes it would "make it seem like I was trying to influence his grading" -- because you are! I really don't understand what would make you think you are so special as to get special treatment from your professor. It's an attitude and assumption you should get rid of now -- before you ruin your chances at LORs (letters of rec) or get out into the workforce!</p>
<p>I'm not in college, but our teachers don't really take the "participation" grade seriously--if you don't distrupt the class or give her any reason to take off points, then you get that 30%</p>
<p>In my history courses, participation is generally between 30 to 50% of the grade, and taken very seriously. It's expected not only that you will be there, but that you will contribute--and not just in quantity, but quality. Asking a professor to change that would be highly inappropriate. You knew the guidelines, and ignored them, and to try to change that simply to maintain a 4.0 seems quite immature.</p>
<p>Haha! This is a pretty ignorant question. The man specifically tells you that participation is a requirement, and so you just ignore that all semester and then want to ask him if it's okay if he can bend his rules...just for you...dude, seriously? Just ask yourself the question and I think you know the answer.</p>
<p>I don't agree with the above. I would certainly mention it to your professor if you are concerned. I think it would be much better to do this during office hours. I would bring your graded papers with you.</p>
<p>I disagree with Ken, I think you should take it up with him in the middle of class, in front of all your peers so you can get a feel for what they think of your request for special rules that apply only to you. Perhaps he'll appreciate your boldness...hahahahaha....</p>
<p>I agree with kenf, do everything you can to get a better grade, everything is worth a try. Don't worry if a teacher is making an exception for you just do whatever you can for yourself, chances are he won't do anything for you.. but he might suggest something else you can do to raise your grade. Instead of asking if he will waive the participation you should ask if there's anything you can do to raise your grade.</p>
<p>If it is a discussion class/seminar, I would guess you have a problem. You can ask, but the odds are low. The problem is that there are always people who don't follow whatever the rules are then want to change them in their favor later on, which will then disadvantage those that followed the rules (participated). It is one of the harder lessons in life. I have been teaching for over 30 years, some classes participation is very important and is a big percent of the grade, and for others it is not. I would not change the rules.</p>
<p>I think the above posters are a bit harsh. If the student has a 4.0, he or she apparently comes to classes prepared. They also indicated they have been doing well in the written portion of the class. The issue seems to be more the student's confidence in public speaking.
I was once in a very-discussion based class, and there were two very shy, but extremely intelligent, students in the class. The prof didn't make exceptions, necessarily, but tried to facilitate the student's participation and give them a little help. For example, the prof would direct a specific question directly to the quiet student, so that the student would be able to participate before the rest of the loudmouths started talking. </p>
<p>It can't hurt to express your concern to the prof. If you are mature and humble about it, he may try to help you out, or give you advice for improving your participation. Also, it would be more proactive to approach him instead of emailing.</p>
<p>Is he keeping a score sheet with who has talked each class time? </p>
<p>Asking him to waive the participation grade would be pretty much be equal to asking him if he can waive a test grade because you didn't want to take it. </p>
<p>A better way of going about this would be to go to his office hours and simply ask if he can tell you your grade in the class and how you are doing on the participation grade. Be subtle about it and leave the "waive the grade" and "4.0 GPA" dicussion out of it. You probably don't even need to worry about it, but from now on, start talking in the discussions because that could save your grade! I really have a hard time believing that you have never once joined in on the discussions.</p>
<p>My professor talked about class participation at the beginning of the semester. He counted office hours, in-class questions, and Blackboard discussion all part of the grade. So if you're already talking to him via office hours, there's nothing to worry about. He just needs to know that you're at least engaged with the class in some other way besides those papers and tests.</p>
<p>Waiving a grade, any grade, is literally a big fat no-no. My class just tried to throw a coup over the final but he said that he couldn't exempt us from the final because of the department requirement that we had to have some kind of final. Class participation might also be part of your department's grading standards- look at other history courses' syllabi. If they all say class participation, then it's the standard for the department and the professor CANNOT waive it.</p>
<p>Be honest iwth your professor that you don't like to speak up in class and want to make sure you're doing okay on that 30% aspect. He's probably already suspected that you're not a big talker by now anyway.</p>
<p>I agree that approaching a professor with humility and asking what can be done to raise one's grade is a GREAT idea, but approaching him or her asking for exceptions is NOT such a great idea.</p>
<p>Most profs who ask for participation and base your grade on it simply want to see an effort to participate -- this can include a variety of things, but really you simply need to show that you are actively engaged in the class. I agree with previous posters who have said to talk with your professor to see how you could improve your grade. Most will have every desire for you to succeed, but by waiting until the end of the semester like you have, you have placed yourself in a poor position for such requests at best.</p>