Is it ok to say "very unique?"

<p>I hope this doesn't come up in the October SAT.</p>

<p>Instead of hoping that something doesn’t show up, learn the concept.</p>

<p>“Unique” singles out one of a kind. That “un” at the beginning is a form of “one.” A thing is unique (the only one of its kind) or it is not. Something may be almost unique (there are very few like it), but nothing is “very unique.”</p>

<p>Well, unique already means one of a kind, and putting very in front of it doesn’t make it any more one of a kind—but it does make it superfluous, not to mention grammatically incorrect.</p>

<p>Actually, now I hope that it comes up on the next SAT, so that I can get the question right! ;)</p>

<p>But anyway, thanks for explaining, jamesford. :slight_smile: So it’s basically unnecessary.</p>

<p>It’s no problem. I actually stole both of those blurbs from other sites, but if it explains the problem, then whatever.</p>