Is it possible for early dorm check-in if a student does not go to Bama Action or Camp 1831?

We have an issue that one of our twins may want to go to Alabama Action or Camp 1831 and the other does not.

Is it possible for a student to check into the Dorms earlier than the standard check in date? If so, is there a charge and if so, how much?

Does anyone know what the check-in date is for on-campus housing for Fall 2016?

I would call housing and ask them so you know for sure. My guess is no, although they may bend the rules since you have twins. On the other hand, for the twin who is not involved there will be NOTHING for him/her to do on campus if they are not participating in an activity before hand. (Two years ago we moved our freshman in early for Outdoor Action and then my husband moved our junior in the dorm a week later. Lots of driving since we are from WI but doable.)

Are they rooming together? If so, you might have a case, but otherwise, I doubt it. Note also that there is no (or severely limited) dining options on campus.

There are boy/girl twins, so not rooming together.

I would STRONGLY suggest that the other twin sign up for AA or OA. It really is a wonderful icebreaker for OOS kids.

@UAHousing, can you help answer this question?

I agree that it might be a tough week if your child doesn’t do one of the early programs, given that (aside from rush activities being in full force) there won’t be much to do and the dining options on campus will be very limited.

I know some have done this in the past, but I agree that it isn’t a good idea. Imagine your student moving into a suite where the other three roommates ARE likely participating in Honors Action or Camp 1831. Also, the sibling is participating in Honors Action. Those other students will be busy making friends and participating in activities from morning to evening. Your student is likely to become bored and perhaps homesick. I would think this might not be the best way to start out the year as an OOS student. I would encourage your student to look at these programs and to consider participating in whichever one sounds the most interesting to him/her. Alabama Action would be my suggestion. It provides an opportunity to jump in and make some connections with other freshmen while working toward a common goal.

I think it’s a recipe for disaster if the twin moves in a week early and doesn’t participate in an activity.

^^^ I agree completely.