Is it possible to schedule a second interview?

My daughter (a junior) had an interview at our first campus visit to Kenyon this month. She loved the school and said the interview went well— the interviewer mentioned that she would be a good fit. We also met with a coach BUT, I’m afraid we were unprepared for both meetings. My daughter didn’t bring a resume with her to either so they were going in blind and really didn’t know anything about her. We just assumed we’d go back senior year (which we will) and have another interview. I mentioned this to a friend and she said colleges only give one interview. Yikes, is this true? Was that it? I feel awful I dropped the ball-- had I known I would have definitely had her wait until fall of her senior year. Any insight?

if it makes you feel any better, i got into kenyon this year without having supplied a resume or really preparing at all for my interview. if she interviewed well then that’s the most important thing. im sure having a resume at the end of the day won’t be the difference between her having an interview that helps her or hurts her

This is the Wisconsin site.

Thank you @jbcheston. That makes me feel better. And I truly am awful at this… I can’t maneuver around this site to save my life!