Is it too late to get my GPA up for a UC school?

Im a 10th grader in high school, last semester I did really bad, I took an AP class and two honors but mid semester I sort of gave up, I ended with 4 C’s(Ap Euro, Honors Chem, French 2, and Honors English 2), a B (Geometry), and an A (college prep class). I dropped my AP class but I don’t know what to do, Its my dream to go to a UC school and then go to a very good medical school. Even if I get straight As this semester, and all of Jr year my average GPA would be a 3.5 and thats just not good enough for a lot of schools, I really don’t want to go to cc I want to move away from home ASAP.

Also this year I will be on the JV swim team, and I plan on working at the soup kitchen this summer and such. Is there anything else I can do? I need advice fast.

Are you instate for California?
Is one reason you want to apply to colleges is to move away?
Getting into medical school is very tough. Going to medical school is even tougher.

Starting out with good grades is helpful. You have to do your best in whatever classes you take. Then, apply to colleges that you can afford and that will accept you.

It doesn’t matter where you go to school, as long as that college helps you get into a med school with excellent grades.

Yes, if you do well the rest of 10th and 11th grade, you do have a chance at some of the UC’s.

At the end of Junior year, calculate your UC GPA:

Also Prep for the SAT and ACT. Having competitive test scores along with a good GPA will help your chances.

6 of the 9 UC campuses average UC GPA is 4.0, so if you are below this threshold, I would target UC Merced/UC Riverside and UC Santa Cruz. You could always include a few more competitive campuses and also look at some top Cal States: SDSU/SLO/CPP/CSULB.

If you are aiming for a 3.5 or higher:::
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 11%
UCSB: 13%
UCI: 16%
UCSC: 47%
UCR: 64%
UCM: 80%

You also need to look at costs if you plan to move away for college, so ask your parents what they are willing to contribute to your college education. Calculate your EFC (Estimated Family Contribution although it should be labeled as Minimum Family Contribution) and see if you are eligible for need-based aid at the UC’s and CSU’s.

FYI: All US Medical Schools are excellent and going to a CA UC may actually be a disadvantage due to the competition.

Here is some UC campus averages to aim for when you starting compiling a college list. Remember stats are updated each year so always check the latest results: