Is it true.....

<p>Is it true that a first-year student who will attend School of Engineering does not have to select + register for his/her classes, since it's already been done for him/her?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Did anyone attending the engineering school already have this done for them + received their schedule?</p>

<p>Yes this is true.</p>

<p>Also, has anyone still not received their placement test results yet?</p>

<p> placement test results. However, I did receive my housing info last week. I believe we should be receiving schedule/id on or about august 15.</p>

<p>Thank you AbN610</p>

<p>also, if i didn't get expos 1st semester, will i get it 2nd?</p>

<p>If you didn't get expos first semester as an engineer you probrably got intro to computers instead(440:127?).</p>

<p>You will get expos second semester</p>

<p>thank you, yes i got intro to computers, but also, i don't know why i didn't get Engineering Orientation Lectures. Did anyone not get it as well?</p>

<p>instead of engineering orientation lectures you probrably got intro to experimentation(159:171?).</p>

<p>They're both 1 credit courses.</p>

<p>You'll get the orientation 2nd semester</p>

<p>Thanks, but on their website, Rutgers listed Engineering Orientation Lectures as a fall semester course:</p>

<p>First-Year Program</p>

<p>(common to all four-year curricula) </p>

<p>First Term </p>

<p>01:160:159 General Chemistry for Engineers 3 </p>

<p>01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation* 1 </p>

<p>01:355:101 Expository Writing I or 14:440:127 Introduction to Computers for Engineers 3 </p>

<p>14:440:100 Engineering Orientation Lectures 1 </p>

<p>01:640:151 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4 </p>

<p>01:750:123 Analytical Physics I 2 </p>

<p>humanities/social sciences elective 3</p>

<li>May be taken in the second term.</li>

<p>i'm so confused...............i hope my schedule's not messed up.....</p>


<p>It's not messed up at all. Engineering Orientation Lectures are offered in the spring as well. If you are taking gen chem, you probrably got intro to experimentation(chem lab) instead of the orientation lecture.</p>

<p>People who have orientation lecture in the fall probrably don't have experimentation first semester.</p>

<p>Same deal with intro to computers/ have one the first semester and then the other in the spring.</p>

<p>I just finished my first year and i had experimentation and computers first semester and then the orientation and expos second semester.</p>

<p>If you want proof you can check the online schedule of classes or hell...register for the orientation lecture and just get it over with in the fall. It's not a real class..just show up. No exams, just attendance and stupid worksheets.</p>

<p>thank you so much</p>

<p>sorry, but i have another question about the location of one of my the Engineering Building (EN) also known as the School of Engineering on Rutgers maps, since i can't find where the EN building is on the map?</p>

<p>Yea its the school of engineering. There are gonna be 3 wings branched off of one central wing - the B wing. That's where B120(the lecture hall) and B100(deans office) is.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>i'm buying textbooks tommorrow, but i'm not sure whether a textbook is required for intro to expermentation, since i couldn't find it online in any of the stores.</p>


<p>the only book u need for that class is supplied on the first day</p>

<p>Do we receive our books and other things during the 2nd week (when we check-in), since i didn't get it yet?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>