Hi, I’m a junior in college and I want to switch majors to get into a biomedical engineering phd program. I’ve read that the three best undergraduate degrees for biomedical engineering are mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering.
The subfields I am most interested in are neural, genetic, and pharmaceutical engineering. It seems like chemical engineering would compliment these the best, but my school does not offer chemical engineering as a major. Chemical engineering also seems like the most interesting of the three.
I could stay at my school and major in mechanical or electrical engineering, and I would still be able to get into a BME Ph.D program, But I don’t know if I would be able to do research in the same subfields that I would if I did chemical engineering
The downside to transferring is I would be moving to a different school in a new town where I wouldn’t know anybody, plus I don’t think I could transfer until next spring so I would definitely be graduating like a year later, financially I could do this, but I would rather not since I’m going to have to spend 8 years after that in grad school.
Also, my current major is civil engineering so I think more credits would transfer if I did mechanical engineering
Is it worth transferring schools?