<p>My basketball team does not have a particular captain because my coach never actually announced anything about it. I am the only senior to start and the captain is always a senior. The team usually looks to me for advice and such, and I am the one to announce on the loudspeaker our stats and updates. Is it wrong to write down on college apps that I'm the captain if I was never actually appointed, even though I am considered so by most teammates? Is it considered lying?</p>
<p>Ask your coach. I highly doubt they go through and question everyone who writes it down, but no need to get an offer rescinded over a small lie.</p>
<p>I do not see what is wrong by merely exaggerating the truth a bit. Like you said… there is no office captain… you are the Senior… and the starter… and you admit your teammates look up to you. It looks good to say you are the team captain because it shows leadership, whereas just a member of the team is not very interesting for the colleges. If the college asks for proof, your coach should not have any problem stretching the truth a bit if you are a good kid. Just to be extra-safe, you can go ahead and run it by him before giving yourself a title.</p>
<p>I hope that you have a good enough relationship with your coach that you could sit down with him and talk about it. Explain to him how it could benefit you, but also how you could help out the team with your captaincy. Who knows, he just might make it official if you can justify it well. Or at the least, he gives you the go-signal to put the position in your app. Nothing to lose. As a senior starter, you have more than earned the right to talk to your coach about these things. good luck central.</p>
<p>it’s no big deal. like has been said, you can just run it by him… and if you’re really the type of guy you say you are, he’ll probably say sure</p>
<p>either way… being the captain of the basketball team, as opposed to just being a starter, won’t make or break your application.</p>
<p>it sounds like you are the captain, so I wouldn’t worry about it. If you want to make sure, then you should simply ask your coach.</p>
<p>Yes it is wrong. You have clearly said you are not the captain. Have the coach write about your leadership.</p>
<p>No, you should not claim to be the team Captain if you haven’t been formally named such by your Coach. Has your HS team always had a Captain in past seasons or is this the first season you’ve been captainless? </p>
<p>As an earlier poster suggested, sit down with your Coach and explain how being named Captain would validate your leadership abilities and help you in the college admissions process. Even if he doesn’t want to formally name you as “Captain” (for whatever reason), he may not object to you listing it on your apps that way. He may even be willing to provide a LOR attesting to your leadership abilities, on and off the court.</p>
<p>Our basketball team has always had a captain in the past, but this year we have a new coach and he just never said anyhting about it. I am not going to see him until after break, so should I send him an e-mail asking for permission to write Captain on my college apps?</p>
<p>That seems odd he would fail to name a captain, but perhaps b/c it’s his first year, it just slipped his mind with all he has going on. </p>
<p>Send him an e-mail and ask him for permission. If he’s a reasonable guy and everything is as you say, he’ll probably have no problem with it.</p>