Is Miami right for me?

<p>Hey, I'm a high school senior male living in Texas</p>

<p>I have about a 3.3 unweighted gpa, 3.4 weighted. </p>

<p>I got a 1890 on my SAT, 1920 combining 2 scores.</p>

<p>The schools I am considering are:</p>

<p>TCU- waitlisted
Southwestern University- accepted
U Arizona -20k scholarship
Portland U-48k scholarship
Colorado St-accepted
U Miami-waitlisted for fall 2011, accepted for spring 2012</p>

<p>I know I don't have great grades or stunning SAT scores, but I want to go to the most "prestigious" or best school academically and right now thats looking like Miami.</p>

<p>so which one of these schools do you think I should go to to?</p>

<p>edit: also, cost is not a big factor but it is a factor..I figure at a prestigious university after a year or so, I can transfer to UT-Austin or possibly an even better school</p>

<p>More info please. What is your major and what are you looking for in a school besides “prestige”?</p>

<p>I am undecided on my major. I really dont knowwhat to study, i was thinking either biology or business but those are farfromfinal.</p>

<p>I want to go to the best school academically, like the hardest to get into. because if a school is real hard to get into, i figure itll be easier to transfer to a school of my choice with decent grades</p>

<p>Also, I gave the list for a reason…which of the schools Im considering is the best?</p>


<p>OH YEAH, U Miami average SAT scores are like 1930, which ishigher than my SAT combined score!</p>

<p>and their average GPA is very high. also i wasnt even in thetop 50 percent of my class in GPA (given my high school is VERY COMPETITIVE)</p>

<p>I think Miami was the hardest school i applied to, so naturally i cant belive i got in (even if im waitlisted for 1 semester now)</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Is money no object?
Are you planning on transferring out regardless of where you go?
Do you want to back to live and work in Texas?
Are you going to be bothered by missing first semester freshman year and getting to campus when a lot of friendships are already established?</p>

<p>Depending on how you answer those questions I think your choice should be between Miami, Arizona or SMU.</p>

<p>If you don’t know what you want to study, I would recommend not spending $40k/year on school, whether you can afford it or not. Go to a community college until you figure it out, especially if you plan on transferring anyway.</p>

<p>Hey, thanks for the answers guys.</p>

<p>Thing is, if I go to a community college, i dont know if i can get into a school as good as SMU or Miami. </p>

<p>Yes, I do plan on transferring to UT-Austin right now, barring I truly enjoy Miami.</p>

<p>I’m not saying money is no object, I have a college fund, but spending 40k for a year at Miami so I can transfer to UT-Austin for 10k/year would be fine. UT-Austin is pretty prestigious, so wouldnt it be a lot easier to transfer from Miami to UT rather than say, Arizona or Colorado State to UT?</p>

<p>My other question is, could I transfer to UT after just one semester in Spring 2012 (if i dont get in from the waitlist for fall 2011)??? Or do you need to attend a full academic year before transferring is an option? If that is possible for me to trasnfer after one semester, would I have to pay 40k,or can I pay 20k?</p>

<p>I must have missed something here…if you really want to attend UT-Austin, why don’t you start there as a freshman? Did you apply and were not accepted?</p>

<p>Paying $40k/year for a school and not graduating from it is even dumber than paying for it and getting the degree. If you want to go to UT-Austin, just go to comm college and get good grades. There’s nothing wrong with community college and big universities know that students go there to save money before transferring to a 4-year school.</p>

<p>No I did not apply to UT-Austin because our state legislature is completely screwed and only the top 8 percent in each class get to go to UT-Austin, so for me going to a really hard high school I would have to get an SAT score in the 2200s to get in.</p>

<p>“Paying $40k/year for a school and not graduating from it is even dumber than paying for it and getting the degree.”</p>

<p>Hmm, so you think I should either go all four years, or not go at all? I didnt really follow that one.</p>

<p>Scrambler don’t know if your going to make it any ware but you should think about your full ride to Portland U, great city, northwest has alot to experience. great outdoor</p>

<p>lol Scrambler!
i’m almost in the same situation as you are!
i really wanted go to William and Mary but given the fact that i have same GPA as yours and even lower SAT than yours… i didn’t apply there :frowning:
instead, i applied for Miami (undeclared business), and surprisingly i got in <-i’m an international student
i’m not offered any scholarship from Miami, so my family will be paying $40k+/year too :'(</p>

<p>anyways, i think Miami is a great school and the weather is just awesome (i don’t even have to bring winter clothes there!)
maybe you’ll love it some day and decide not to transfer to elsewhere haha…
i think i like it more and more now :)</p>

<p>well, alternatively i’ve heard that SMU is a pretty good school too
not sure about the others… i think U of Arizona is not bad, plus the $20K, it’s a good bargain
if financial is not a problem for you, then come to Miami! :)</p>

<p>i’m from Hong Kong, and if you wanna work in Asia in the future
i can tell you that U of Arizona actually has a big name here… people here know more about U of Arizona (and Miami, yay) than Vanderbilt, W&M(too bad haha),Wake Forest,Brandeis,Lehigh,Case Western, etc…</p>

<p>If you’re not planning on staying wherever you go first then it doesn’t really matter where you start. The reputation differences between your schools isn’t so huge that one of them is going to stand out versus the others. Personally I’d choose the cheapest option out of SMU, Miami or Arizona. If you think that you might want to stay all four years at one of these schools that’s a different decision.</p>

<p>On a side note, have you looked into how hard it is to get into UT-Austin as a transfer? Usually schools have lower acceptance rates for transfer than for first-time freshman. No matter where you go you’re going to have to deliver some pretty good grades (I’d guess 3.4+). Maybe you should be looking for schools with the easiest grading reputations to give you a better chance at a higher GPA.</p>