Is my essay off-topic? planning-creativity

<p>Basically, my essay said that planning requires creativity in order to be successful:</p>

Book: Ender's Game - how Ender used creative battle strategies in his plans which led him to win the war</p>

<p>History: Henry Clay's creative compromises and plans which held the Union together longer</p>

<p>i wrote that successful plans and planning involved creativity and uniqueness, instead of "planning may limit/restrict creativity"--</p>

<p>is this a zero?</p>

<p>I think you were off topic, but I don’t think they are THAT mean.</p>

<p>Since it’s holistic I think you’re okay. I think the off-topic rule is mainly for people who miss the mark completely, like for this essay “planning interferes with creativity?” they write something about sacrificing for liberty. </p>

<p>I twisted the prompt a little too, I said that planning the future based on the past did indeed contradict creative thinking…</p>

<p>do you think i will be penalized, though?
if so, an idea of how much?</p>

<p>Hahaha, it’s really ironic that your planning essay may have been off topic.</p>

<p>But I don’t think you’re nearly off topic enough to get penalized with a zero. I’d be surprised if you got nailed for more than 2 points. They tend to be pretty forgiving. As long as your evidence relates to your thesis, you’ll probably be ok.</p>

<p>Hahaha, it’s really ironic that your planning essay may have been off topic.</p>

<p>But I don’t think you’re nearly off topic enough to get penalized with a zero. I’d be surprised if you got nailed for more than 2 points. They tend to be pretty forgiving. As long as your evidence relates to your thesis, you’ll probably be ok.</p>