Is my schedule ok?

<p>Hi I'm currently a rising junior and am worried if the following schedule is good enough to make an ivy college</p>

<p>AP US Gov
AP Stat
AP Comp Sci
Precalc Acc(honors)
Chem Acc
US History Acc
Brit Lit Acc</p>

<p>Most of the top students at my school are taking 5 APs or more in their junior year. However, I was only able to take 3 APs because my high school actually has a qualifying exam for AP courses. But I am planning on taking the AP chem and AP US exams next year. Assuming that I get straight As next year and get all 5s, is this schedule good enough for ivies? </p>


<p>it’s okay.</p>

<p>It’s probably fine, although it does depend on you as compared to your classmates. If it makes you feel any better, I know a few people going to Ivies from my school who only took 2 or 3 AP classes their junior year (and one who only took 1).</p>

<p>There’s no foreign language. Is there a reason for that?</p>

<p>Also you’re planning on taking 2 math courses. A more balanced schedule would have 1. Do you have the option of taking a course in the visual and performing arts?</p>

<p>Yeah, I have no foreign language because I've already taken AP Chinese in sophomore year.  But I don't know if taking 2 years of a foreign language might hurt me.Yes I do have the option of taking a class in the arts but that would mean 1 less AP in junior year(I can only take 3 electives).</p>

<p>Sorry about the font, my computer went crazy.</p>

<p>Ivies typically only take a high school’s very top students,</p>

<p>It depends on what your high school offers and how you compare to the rest of the students in your grade. Ivies will consider you if you are the best from your school. But, if you have to test in to take APs, then is there anything you can do at this moment?</p>

<p>No I can’t do anything right now to get in the APs, which is why I’m worried about the number of APs I’m taking. Also, does self studying the AP exams make up for the lack of APs I have?</p>

<p>if your going to do a self study AP class AP psychology is good one. I took the class but the teacher had us take a practice test at the beginning of the year and i got a 3 before even looking at the material and ended up getting a 5 on the actual test</p>

<p>I’m planning on self studying the AP chem and AP US exams. I’ll probably be taking AP psychology in my senior year.</p>