<p>Major: Economics (also a possible poli science major?) ( I couldn't fit Principles of Micro/Macro Econ into my 1st sem. schedule ..I'm going to take it 2nd semester I hope.</p>
<p>How does my schedule look?..Opinions please...</p>
<p>Physical Anthropology 220 MWF
ENG 101 Composition I TTH
French 201 Intermediate French M T W TH
Math 102 College Algebra M T TH
POLS 100 American Government MWF</p>
<p>Is this a decent schedule for a freshman? Do you think these gen-eds will transfer to most places? I tried not taking any specific classes so they can transfer to a different school. I should take calculus my sophomore year.I plan on transferring after 2 years (junior transfer).</p>
<p>Looks like a good schedule to me. Certainly better than my first semester schedule:)</p>
<p>it looks good, depending on the school the college algebra class may not transfer</p>
<p>but seriously you should try to fit in either principles or micro/macro. if you are serious about majoring in economics, you may not be able to graduate on time with all of the required economics classes if you don’t take one of those your first semester (unless your planning to fit in multiple econ classes in a different semester)</p>
The OP is transferring therefore as long as he/she has the micro/macro series (2 courses; 3 at the most) they should be fine.</p>
<p>To the OP, your schedule looks good. As any freshman your schedule will consist mostly of introduction courses. I would advise to continue with higher math courses and research any prerequisites needed in order to transfer. You might find Econ and Poli Sci have overlapping prerequisites.</p>
<p>thanks guys! My dream is to transfer to a top 30 university or my state flagship…the UMN-Twin Cities.</p>
<p>Actually yesterday I saw Principles of Macroeconomics open up but for some reason the system didn’t let me register for it
I could take that in place of POLS 100 since it’s at the same time.</p>
<p>I also plan on taking STATS and CALC in the near future
I’m not worried about college algebra transferring…</p>
<p>Do you have any tips on how i can make my schedule more “challenging” does this mean 200 & 300 level classes? I wanna show the adcoms I’m serious about school now!</p>