Is QCSYS 2018 a good summer camp?

I stumbled upon the website but does anyone know someone who went to this summer camp? How did they think it was? Is it more math-based or computer science-based? How selective is it?

Hey there! I was one of the participants of QCSYS 2017. It was an amazing summer program. If you are really interested in physics and are strong in math, I’d highly recommend it. There wasn’t too much stress on the computer science portion of things, we did a couple lectures on traditional cryptography and had a keynote speaker discussing deep learning and AI. The majority of the program focuses on the physics aspect of things. As for selectivity the program is extremely selective. If you are interested in quantum physics or just curious about the future of information security, I’d highly recommend this program. Sorry for the late reply, but if you have any other questions feel free to send me a message and I’ll answer to the best of my ability!

My son went a few years ago. Yes, it was great exposure to the field and a fun experience.