IS SATII on january too late/or on time for a senior?

<p>I am taking my SATI in dec , and i havent taken SAT IIS yet
Binghamton is the school i wanna go to , they do not requre SATIIS but i plan to take them anyways because my GPA is under their average
they are a rolling admissions school starting dec 1
so ,should I take them?
the date for january i believe is exactly jan24th,so they will receive it by_____?
please give me advice, i rly aprreciate it</p>

<p>Their website should provide a list of acceptable testing dates. If not, you’ll need to contact them directly. It seems that for most schools, the final acceptable test date is the January administration. If your school will accept January scores, I would still suggest having the scores rushed just to be safe. Good luck!</p>