Is Sullivan Hall good?

<p>So hey I am a freshman and I picked a room at Sullivan Hall (Substance Free House). So, very generalyl, is Sullivan Hall any good? Are there many upperclassmen? Welcome all the inputs and comments. Thanks</p>

<p>Seriously? Nobody?</p>

<p>All dorms are good. Those that choose a given dorm have more in common than those who would never choose that dorm. There is a lot of diversity among UW students. Like minded students will choose the same dorms. Don’t worry about what others think- consider the reasons you like Sullivan and go for it. Your neighbors will also want to be there. All dorms open to freshmen are at least 50% freshmen- most have a much higher percentage with the nonfreshmen being mainly sophomores.</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about the substance free hall, but there were a few posts on it a month or two ago, try searching the forum. I’ve never been there, but obviously the atmosphere will be different there, as nobody will be drinking/smoking and in every other hall some/most will be (depends on the dorm, some more than others).</p>

<p>I’m in the substance-free dorm next year as well! See you there. It should be quiet… overall a nice dorm.</p>

<p>If you’re looking for a quiet dorm with no drugs or alcohol, you found it haha. If you’re not, then you will not like Sullivan at all</p>

<p>Sullivan is close to many other dorms- it should be easy to meet others in dining places if you don’t enjoy your quiet floor.</p>